Equilibrium: Episode 4 Page 10
King Samian is dead. In the aftermath of the fateful battle in the castle, Lord General Archis Varren launches a full-scale invasion of the south, determined to deal the Ronnesians a blow they will never forget.
Stationed at Kilsney, Captain Rasmus Auran is the first to witness the fury of the Ayon attack. Forced to retreat, and hounded by their northern enemy every step of the way, Ronnesian hearts begin to despair.
Yet Te’Roek provides only a temporary sanctuary, for Varren is determined to see it fall and will not stop until he rules the city from the castle itself.
For more information, please visit momentumbooks.com.au/books/equilibrium-episode-5/.
Carmel Sealey was born in Sydney, Australia, and has a great passion for fantasy. Her brother first inspired her to write at a very young age and she has continued to do so with gusto. The first seed of Equilibrium began to sprout at the age of 15 and the story has been rewritten, reworked, abused, edited, rewritten again, expanded, cut, stitched back together and polished in the dozen years since. Enjoy!
First published by Momentum in 2015
This edition published in 2015 by Momentum
Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney 2000
Copyright © CS Sealey 2015
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
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A CIP record for this book is available at the National Library of Australia
Equilibrium: Episode 4
EPUB format: 9781760300708
Mobi format: 9781760300715
Cover design by Raewyn Brack
Edited by Kylie Mason
Proofread by Thomasin Litchfield
Macmillan Digital Australia: www.macmillandigital.com.au
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